Tagged: Retro style

6 Decorating Styles to Try in Your Home

When it comes to decorating styles, there are so many that one doesn’t even know where to begin. So, we’ll do it for you: here are six simple and elegant decorating styles worth trying in your home.


Minimalism is based on a process of reducing architecture to essential concepts of space, light and form. A minimalist design is characterized by simple shapes, geometric, clean and straight lines which offer the space inside the chance to breathe. The furniture shows fine shapes and the sizes are low. …

Retro Furniture Basics

Retros may be of many different kinds and of all the retro collectibles and furniture happens to be the most popular and practical choice. Retro furniture perth is distinct from other categories of retros in the sense that no one collects the same type of object repeatedly. It means that you would not want to buy and collect only tables or chests and fill up your home with everything the same. However, you may have a specific liking to certain wood or style.…